ICR Centre for Paediatric Experimental Medicine This is the DAC for granting access to consented patient data generated in association with the Centre for Paediatric Experimental Medicine at ICR.Data access can be granted by bioinformatician Claire Lynn: claire.lynn@icr.ac.uk
Dac EGAC50000000362 The Genetic Landscape of BCL2 Break Negative Follicular Lymphoma Background: 15% of high and 50% of low stage FL lack the t(14;18). Nevertheless, most of these cases express BCL2 by so far unknown mechanisms. Principals/Methodology: To find molecular mechanisms, triggering FL-pathogenesis in t(14;18)-negative FL, the exonic SNV-profiles of 33 FL with and 16 FL without t(14;18) were assessed by whole exome-sequencing and external SNV-data integration. The SNV-profile of the whole exome-sequenced FL was correlated with copy number, LOH and gene-expression data. Finally, the N-glycosylation status was assessed (LympTrack assay) in a separate validation cohort. Results: SNVs in FL with and without t(14;18) affected different genes, but accumulated in similar pathways, e.g. apoptosis, epigenetic processes and cell cycle/proliferation. Mutations in genes associated with immune-response were more prominently and those associated with NFkB and N-glycosylation selectively enriched in t(14;18)-negative FL. ~50% of mutated genes showed BCL2-asociation at high confidence in FL with and without t(14;18). Moreover, among the genes mutated in t(14;18)-negative FL 555 (~1/3) were affected by copy number alterations and/or copy-neutral LOH, 125 were differently expressed between FL with and without t(14;18) (p<0.01) and 62 were differentially expressed and affected by copy number alterations and/or copy-neutral LOH. N-glycosylation was strongly reduced in t(14;18)-negative FL as compared to results reported for historical FL cohorts. Conclusion: These results suggest a stronger crosstalk with the microenvironment that may compensate for the lack of N-glycosylation and a diverse portfolio of SNVs that may contribute to the upregulation of BCL2 and FL pathogenesis in t(14;18)-negative FL.
Study EGAS00001002164 Microenvironment subtypes and association with tumor cell mutations and antigen expression in follicular lymphoma Follicular lymphoma (FL) is a B-cell lymphoma with a complex tumor microenvironment that is rich in non-malignant immune cells. We applied single-cell RNA-sequencing to characterize the immune microenvironment of FL. This provides a classification framework of the FL microenvironment, their association with FL genotypes and antigen presentation, and informs different potential immunotherapeutic strategies.
Study EGAS00001006052 Genomic Analysis of Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FL-HCC) is a very rare and distinct subtype of hepatocellular carcinoma that occurs in the previously healthy livers of adolescents and young adults. The low incidence rate has kept FL-HCC an understudied cancer, thus the list of FL-HCC markers is limited and the genetic alterations driving its growth have remained unknown. In order to gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying FL-HCC initiation and progression, we performed an in-depth genomic analyses of one tumor followed by immunohistochemistry validation on seven other tumors. We showed the expression of neuroendocrine markers in FL-HCC. In addition, DNA/RNA sequencing revealed that common cancer pathways are not visibly altered in FL-HCC but identified two novel structural variants, both resulting in fusion transcripts. Through in vitro studies, we demonstrated the oncogenic properties of these fusion transcripts. These experiments further highlight the tumorigenic role of gene fusions in the etiology of pediatric solid tumors and identify both candidate biomarkers and possible therapeutic targets for this lethal pediatric disease.
Study phs000828 Single-cell RNA sequencing of 6 follicular lymphoma tumors Follicular lymphoma (FL) is an indolent cancer of mature B-cells but carries increased risk of transformation to a more aggressive histology over time. We present here comprehensive profiling both tumor and immune compartments in 6 diagnostic FL biopsies by single-cell RNA sequencing. This confirmed results from 155 FL tumors characterized by mass cytometry (CyTOF) which revealed two distinct evolutionary trajectories with disparate risk of transformation and alternate biologies.
Study EGAS00001005257 Integrated genomic analysis identifies recurrent mutations and evolution patterns driving the initiation and progression of follicular lymphoma. follicular lymphoma (FL), the most common indolent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, remains incurable. A well-recognized complication of FL is its transformation to a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)-morphology in a subset of patients, for which the clinical outcomes are poor. Recent genetic profiling and single case studies of donor-derived FL following stem cell transplantation had alluded to the putative existence of a ‘long lived’ tumor-initiating progenitor cell compartment from which successive disease events occurred. To chronicle the genetic changes associated with progression to transformation, we conducted whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of FL-tFL pairs and matched germline (GL) samples from six patients, a total of 20 genomes.
Study EGAS00001000399 ScRNA-seq of 6 human FL Follicular lymphoma (FL) is an indolent cancer of mature B-cells but carries increased risk of transformation to a more aggressive histology over time. We present here comprehensive profiling both tumor and immune compartments in 6 diagnostic FL biopsies by single-cell RNA sequencing. This confirmed results from 155 FL tumors characterized by mass cytometry (CyTOF) which revealed two distinct evolutionary trajectories with disparate risk of transformation and alternate biologies.
Dataset EGAD00001007691 Aligned FL/DLBCL sequencing data Aligned (hg19) sequencing data from 16 participants with FL/DLBCL.
Dataset EGAD00001003203 Cell of Origin and Early Evolution of Leukemia in Down Syndrome To investigate the mechanism by which GATA1s and STAG2 deficiency contribute to Down Syndrome leukemogenesis, specifically within the propagating CD34/CD117 cell fractions from primary xenografts, we carried out transcriptional and epigenetic profiling by RNAseq and ATACseq. The chromatin accessibility landscape was compared to bulk ATACseq ofindividually sorted N-FL HSPC subpopulations.To investigate the mechanism underlying the synergy between T21 and GATA1s in driving preleukemia development, we analyzed the binding occupancy of GATA1. We performed Cut&Run assays to profile genome-wide GATA1 binding sites and also to quantify binding changes upon GATA1s editing in N-FL and T21-FL CD34+ enriched HSPCs. Lastly, we profiled miRNAs from N-FL and T21-FL CD34+ enriched HSPCs by miRNA-Seq.
Dataset EGAD00001006555 A Human Lymphoma Organoid Model for Evaluating and Targeting the Follicular Lymphoma Tumor Immune Microenvironment Heterogeneity in the tumor microenvironment (TME) of follicular lymphoma (FL) can affect clinical outcomes. We developed a new organoid culture method for cultivating patient-derived lymphoma organoids (PDLOs), which include cells from the native FL TME. We generated organoids from 12 FL patients at diagnosis, clinical progression, or relapse. These organoids were profiled with targeted DNA sequencing and mRNA sequencing. We evaluated the stability of organoids in culture at serial weekly timepoints (D0, D7, D14, D21). We treated organoids with CD19:CD3 or CD20:CD3 bispecific antibodies or unconjugated anti-CD20, anti-CD19, and anti-CD3 as a control, and profiled DNA/RNA at D11 to evaluate treatment response. This system is intended as a platform for advancing precision medicine efforts in FL through patient-specific modeling, high-throughput screening, TME signature identification, and treatment response evaluation.
Study phs003410 The Genetic Evolution of Acral Melanoma Acral melanoma is a rare melanoma subtype arising on the sole, palm, or nail apparatus. We performed whole-exome sequencing (WES) for a cohort of 35 acral melanoma patients. For each patient, we sequenced multiple tumor areas representing different tumor stages, including the in situ and invasive portions of the primary tumor and available regional or distant metastases. Normal areas were included for all except one patient. We identified distinct evolutional trajectory compared to melanomas arising on the sun-exposed skin. Whole-genome sequencing and targeted sequencing were additionally performed for a subset of the samples. Particularly, in acral melanomas, complex genomic aberrations, characterized by clustered copy number transitions and focal amplifications, and telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) activating alterations occur very early during evolution, while MAP-kinase pathway mutations, such as BRAF V600E and NRAS hotspot mutations, can occur late and often result in striking intra-tumor heterogeneity.
Study phs003451 tFL with a PMBL GE signature We investigated the clinicopathologic features of 5 follicular lymphomas (FL) that transformed to morphologic diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) and had a primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMBL)-like gene expression profile. None of the transformed FL (tFL) arose in the mediastinum, all cases tested had a germinal center B-cell immunophenotype, 20% were CD30+, 60% CD23+, 80% MAL+, 20% CD200+, and 0% CD273/PDL2+. Whole exome sequencing detected alterations in genes associated with both FL/DLBCL (CREBBP, KMT2C, KMT2D, ARID1A, HIST1 members, and TNFRSF14) and PMBL (JAK-STAT pathway genes, B2M, and CD58). Copy number (CN) analysis detected gains/amplification of REL in 60% and STAT6 in 40%, gains of chromosome 16, including IL4R, in 40%, and both deletions and gains of 11q in 20%. This cohort, although limited in size, supports a subset of tFL that has blended features between FL/DLBCL and PMBL. Despite having some features that are less common in DLBCL (MAL and CD23 expression, JAK-STAT activation), these cases lack the most characteristic CN alteration seen in PMBL (9p24.1 gain/amplification). This cohort expands the biologic heterogeneity of tFL, illustrating a subset with blended FL/DLBCL and PMBL features, with potential treatment implications that include the use of novel PMBL-targeted therapies.
Study EGAS00001005870 WGS of 78 FL tumour normal pairs This dataset is the second batch of WGS uploaded from FL GenomeCanada data. The other batch is in EGAD00001011343
Dataset EGAD50000000253 Genomic and Transcriptomic Landscape of Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FL-HCC) is a rare liver tumor primarily affecting adolescents and young adults. Little is known of the molecular pathogenesis. To characterize the disease we performed RNA sequencing and whole genome sequencing on FL-HCC tumors and adjacent normal tissue. The results demonstrate few consistent differences on the chromosomal level and many hundreds of alterations in the expression of RNA transcripts.
Study phs000709 RNAseq of Follicular Lymphoma RNAseq analysis of 28 Follicular Lymphoma (FL) criopreserved samples was performed using ribosomal-depleted total RNA to analyze long non-coding RNA and coding transcript expression profiles comparing two different histological groups of FL tumors (FL1-3A versus FL3B/DLBCL). These comparisons were performed either in a subset of tumor purified cell samples (N=12) as in unpurified tumor samples including normal cells for the lymph node microenvironment (N=16).
Study EGAS00001002980 FOCUS Trial We studied patients with advanced colorectal cancer, starting treatment with non-curative intent. 2135 unpretreated patients were randomly assigned to three treatment strategies in the ratio 1:1:1. Strategy A (control group) was single-agent fl uorouracil (given with levofolinate over 48 h every 2 weeks) until failure, then single-agent irinotecan. Strategy B was fl uorouracil until failure, then combination chemotherapy. Strategy C was combination chemotherapy from the outset.
Study EGAS50000000725 Follicular lymphoma at diagnosis, treated in first line with immunochemotherapy We performed targeted NGS in Follicular lymphoma samples at diagnosis. Explored clinico-genetic correlations and assessed four clinical or clinicogenetic risk models (FLIPI, FLIPI-2, PRIMA-IP or m7-FLIPI-molecular score) in patients with symptomatic FL who received frontline immunochemotherapy. Out of 191 patients with FL grade 1-3a, 109 were successfully genotyped. Treatment consisted on rituximab (R) plus CVP/CHOP (72.5%) or R-bendamustine (R-B) (27.5%).
Study EGAS00001006674 Identifying New Genetic Subtypes in Follicular Lymphoma Follicular lymphoma (FL) exhibits considerable variability in biological features and clinical trajectories across patients. To dissect the diversity of FL, we utilized a Bernoulli mixture model to identify genetic subtypes in 713 pre-treatment tumor tissue samples. Our analysis revealed the existence of five subtypes with unique genetic profiles that correlated with clinicopathological characteristics. The clusters were enriched in specific mutations as follows: CS (CREBBP and STAT6), TT (TNFAIP3 and TP53), GM (GNA13 and MEF2B), Q (quiescent, for low mutation burden), and AR (mutations of mTOR pathway-related genes). The subtype Q was enriched for patients with stage I disease and was associated with a lower proliferative history compared to the other subtypes. The AR subtype was unique in its enrichment for IgM-expressing FL cases and was associated with advanced-stage and more than 4 nodal sites. The existence of subtypes was validated in an independent cohort of 418 samples from the GALLIUM trial. Notably, patients assigned to the TT subtype consistently experienced inferior progression-free survival when treated with immunochemotherapy. Collectively, our findings offer insight into core pathways distinctly linked with each FL cluster and are expected to be informative in the era of targeted therapies.
Study EGAS50000000435 Spatial heterogeneity of follicular lymphoma Follicular lymphoma (FL) is an incurable B cell malignancy characterized by advanced stage disease and a heterogeneous clinical course. Recent genomic studies have focused on profiling “single” FL biopsies over several time-points, however, multi-site sampling in solid cancers has demonstrated profound spatial intra-tumor heterogeneity (ITH) with implications for precision medicine based initiatives. This study examined the extent of spatial heterogeneity in FL by whole exome sequencing 22 synchronously removed spatially separated biopsies from 9 patients. We observed significant differences in the extent of ITH across cases, with two distinct patterns of high and low spatial heterogeneity emerging. Site-specific alterations in genes with biological, prognostic or therapeutic relevance included, TNFRSF14, PIK3CD, TNFAIP3, PTEN, EP300 and XBP1. In depth characterization of these variants using deep-sequencing techniques confirmed their discordant nature, suggesting on-going genetic diversification driving evolution after widespread tumor dissemination. There was evidence of tumors comprising multiple competing subclones, with distinct clusters of mutations demonstrating differential expansions within spatially-separated sites. For cases where spatial tumors were examined at two time-points (FL and transformation to diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL)), the degree of heterogeneity increased with transformation. Collectively, our results demonstrate that spatial ITH is prevalent in FL. The existence of site-specific aberrations suggests that a single biopsy may not be sufficient in all patients to capture the full genomic complexity present and these spatial variations need to be considered in biomarker-led clinical studies.
Dataset EGAD00001003553 Combined clinical and gene expression score identifies high-risk individuals among follicular lymphoma patients on immunotherapy Follicular lymphoma (FL) is usually an indolent malignant B-cell lymphoma, but at least 30% of the patients experience transformation to Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) with inferior survival. Early identification of patients with poor prognosis is essential for tailoring treatment. Here, we describe a network-based integrative analysis of 168 FL-biopsies from 127 patients with long clinical follow-up and transformation status. A distinct shift in expression towards a DLBCL expression phenotype is observed in BTK associated genes in cases with transformation. This shift is present years prior to transformation. An integrated score combining the BTK score and a clinical index is proposed, termed the BTK-FLIPI score. It identifies patients (16%) with very poor prognosis, with median time to progression 21.7 months (95% CI: 14.3-42.6) versus 70.9 months (95% CI: 41.5-95.0) for the remainder. The results suggest BTK as a potential target for treatment of high-risk FL-patients.
Study EGAS00001002566 Poland West Pomeranian Voivodeship - WGS This project used NGS (next generation sequencing), using Illumina NOVASEQ 6000 and Illumina DRAGEN aligner. The dataset includes BAM and BAM.BAI files from Whole Genome Sequencing of 17 samples (7 female, 10 male of West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland from POPULOUS collection).Library Construction Protocol: Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep, Tagmentation.Reference Genome: GRCh37.
Dataset EGAD50000000129 West Coast Dream Team DAC Dac EGAC00001002494 FL RNAseq Data Access Comitee Dac EGAC00001000903 Data access committee for FL Dac EGAC00001002552 Genomic profiling of localized (lFL) and systemic follicular lymphoma (sFL) reveals novel insights into FL pathogenesis At diagnosis, the majority of FL presents with symptomatic disease in advanced/systemic stages of FL (sFL). In contrast only around 10 to 15% of cFL are diagnosed in localized stages (lFL). The biological knowledge is mainly based on data derived from global sFL analysis and only small cohorts of lFL were characterized intensively so far. It is well-known that the hallmark BCL2 translocation is less frequently observed in lFL. Furthermore, lFL differs from sFL concerning their gene expression and their N-glycosylation profiles. In consequence, comprehensive global analysis with CNA profiling and whole exome sequencing was performed in a large cohort of lFL. Additionally, the mutational profile as well as the CNA landscape of lFL and sFL, as well as for BCL2 translocation-positive and -negative was compared.
Study EGAS00001006927 Targeted sequencing of follicular lymphoma tumour samples from the UK's Haematological Malignancy Research Network Follicular lymphoma displays morphological and clinical heterogeneity, underpinned by shared molecular pathogenesis. Mutations in epigenetic regulators alongside t(14;18) have been identified as disease initiating events. Additional mutational diversity suggests disease heterogeneity. Whether this resolves into mechanistically distinct subsets remains an open question. Targeted sequencing was applied to an unselected population-based FL cohort (n=548) diagnosed in a catchment population of ~4 million (14 centers), with full clinical follow-up (n=538) that included 96 DLBCL transformations. We investigated whether molecular subclusters of FL can be identified, and whether mutational data provide predictive information relating to transformation.
Study EGAS00001005238 DAC for single cell RNAseq in FL project Dac EGAC00001002114 Indonesian Genome Diversity Project 3 Low coverage whole genome sequences (1-3x) were collected to study human genetic history across Wallacea archipelago and West Papuan Region of Indonesia . We collected 254 newly sequenced genomes mostly from previously undocumented populations including 9 communities in Wallacea and 3 in West Papuan regions. Out of 254, there are 8 high coverage whole genome sequences were produce in the study (L4).
Dataset EGAD50000000647 Follicular lymphoma at diagnosis, treated in first line with immunochemotherapy We performed targeted NGS in Follicular lymphoma samples at diagnosis. Explored clinico-genetic correlations and assessed four clinical or clinicogenetic risk models (FLIPI, FLIPI-2, PRIMA-IP or m7-FLIPI-molecular score) in patients with symptomatic FL who received frontline immunochemotherapy. Out of 191 patients with FL grade 1-3a, 109 were successfully genotyped. Treatment consisted on rituximab (R) plus CVP/CHOP (72.5%) or R-bendamustine (R-B) (27.5%).
Dataset EGAD00001009647 Genomic Profiling Reveals Spatial Intra-tumour Heterogeneity in Follicular Lymphoma Follicular lymphoma (FL) is an incurable indolent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) that behaves heterogeneously and is synonymous with the reciprocal translocation t(14;18)(q32;q21), leading to aberrant constitutive over-expression of BCL2 [ref]. High risk groups with poor overall survival include patients that transform to a high grade lymphoma, most commonly diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) or progress early (within 2 years) of receiving treatment. Recently several studies have shed light on the diverse genomic landscape of FL, with frequently mutated genes including those involved in chromatin remodelling, (CREBBP, KMT2D, EZH2, EP300), immune modulation (TNFRSF14), JAK-STAT (STAT6, SOCS1), NF-ĸB (CARD11, MYD88, TNFAIP3) and mTORC1 signalling (RRAGC) [ref]. To date, the majority of these studies have either focussed on inter-patient genetic heterogeneity or established the extent of clonal heterogeneity as a patient’s tumour evolves over time. Furthermore, these temporal studies have alluded to the existence of a tumour-repopulating population (referred to as the common progenitor cell (CPC)) that evades treatment and acts as a reservoir, seeding each subsequent relapse and transformation event. Although these previous studies have illuminated the longitudinal clonal dynamics that occur in FL, our understanding of the degree of spatial or intra-tumour heterogeneity (ITH) that exists within an individual patient thus far remains limited. Earlier studies have predominantly focused on differences in cytological grade and immunophenotype between spatially separated lymph nodes and bone marrow, the most common site of extra-nodal involvement in FL, with genomic profiling restricted to examining somatic hypermutation patterns in IgVH genes [ref]. In contrast next generation sequencing has been increasingly utilised in solid organ malignancies to derive comprehensive genomic profiles from spatially separated sites. The seminal study by Gerlinger et al revealed profound differences in the genetic make-up between individual primary and metastatic sites of renal cell carcinoma [ref]. Significant heterogeneity has since been demonstrated both between and within lesions in the same patient in lung, pancreas and breast cancer with presumed driver mutations distributed within the “branches” of the evolutionary phylogenetic tree, suggesting that a single biopsy is incapable of capturing the full genomic heterogeneity of an individual’s malignancy [ref]. This geographical heterogeneity not only adds to the diverse pool of tumour subclones that may contribute to drug resistance mechanisms but importantly, presents a major obstacle for precision-based approaches focussed on targeting specific lesions within a single biopsy. In FL, the exponential increase in clinical trials using novel agents such as EZH2, PI3K and BTK inhibitors reflects this shift in cancer care and along with the development of molecular prognostic scores such as the m7-FLIPI highlights the clinical need to accurately define genomic alterations with clinical relevance. As the majority of FL patients manifest disseminated tumour involvement, we sought to uncover the extent and clinical importance of spatial heterogeneity in FL by comprehensively genetically profiling 22 synchronously removed spatially separated biopsies from 9 patients. Using a combination of whole exome and targeted deep sequencing, our results inferred the complex subclonal architecture within these tumours and the mutational differences between anatomical sites, demonstrating cases with significant intrinsic genetic diversity.
Study EGAS00001002492 Genome-wide mutation analysis of germinal-center B-cell derived lymphomas within the ICGC MMML-Seq Consortium Germinal-center B-cell derived lymphomas (GCB-lymphomas) are the most common B-cell lymphomas in children and adults, with Burkitt Lymphomas (BL) predominating in childhood and follicular lymphoma (FL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) predominating in older age groups. The cell-of-origin in all these lymphomas is supposed to be a germinal center B-cell and transformation of FL in DLBCL or intermediate DLBCL/BL (intL) can occur. In the framework of the German ICGC MMML-Seq we are currently exploring sequencing data of GCB-lymphomas and paired normal controls as well as normal B-cell subsets separated by FACS. This includes whole genome, transcriptome, miRNAome and whole methylome datasets.
Study EGAS00001000394 RNA-seq data from Follicular Lymphoma samples Dataset included RNA-seq data (Two Fastq files per sample as paired end sequencing was performed) from ribosomal-depleted total RNA in 28 Follicular Lymphoma (FL) criopreserved samples to analyze long non-coding RNA and coding transcript expression profiles. Sample metadata is referred to histological groups of FL tumors (FL1-3A versus FL3B/DLBCL) either in tumor purified cell samples (N=12) as in unpurified tumor samples including normal cells of the lymph node microenvironment (N=16).
Dataset EGAD00001004109 Targeted sequencing of follicular lymphoma tumour samples from the UK's Haematological Malignancy Research Network Targeted sequencing was applied to an unselected population-based follicular lymphoma (FL) cohort (n=548) diagnosed in the UK's Haematological Malignancy Research Network catchment population of ~4 million (14 centres).DNA extracted from FL samples was sequenced with a 293-gene panel using the Illumina HiSeq 2500. All data are provided in the CRAM format.
Dataset EGAD00001007657 The Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Multiple Myeloma from Baseline to Relapse-Refractory States In multiple myeloma, the spatio-temporal evolution patterns of cancer cells in the bone marrow remain largely unknown. Here, we applied spatial-longitudinal sequencing, including a total of 179 samples collected from 25 patients during a follow-up of up to 14 years. Our study highlights focal bone lesions (FL) as hotspots of tumor evolution and provides possible explanations for their negative prognostic impact. We show a close phylogenetic relationship between baseline FL and relapse clones. In patients with ≥3 FDG-PET-positive FL at diagnosis, relapse was driven by multiple distinct sub-clones, whereas in other patients, a single-cell expansion was typically seen (p<0.01). Applying imaging-guided sampling, we identified a novel evolutionary pattern with unique treatment-resistant sub-clones at distinct locations. We observed multiple selective clonal sweeps, resistant clones that can be hidden over years, and epigenetic modifier mutations as a new class of relapse aberrations. Here we show that imaging can enhance tumor evolution studies and response assessment. The sophisticated evolution mechanisms in myeloma and presence of single cells that can drive relapse even after 10 years of remission suggest that a prerequisite for curative therapies would be to overcome not only tumor heterogeneity but also dormancy.
Study phs002625 A single-cell multi-omic atlas of nodal B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas Nodal B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (B-NHL) are a clinically diverse set of cancers thought to originate from distinct stages of B-cell maturation. To characterize intratumor heterogeneity across B-NHL entities, we performed CITE-Seq (cellular indexing of transcriptomes and epitopes) on 51 lymph node samples including mantle cell lymphoma (MCL, n = 8), follicular lymphoma (FL, n = 12), germinal center (GCB, n = 5) or activated B-cell (non-GCB/ABC, n = 7) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and marginal zone lymphoma (MZL, n = 11) tumors, in addition to non-malignant reactive lymph nodes (rLN, n = 8). We also performed 5 prime scRNA-seq with immune receptor profiling for 11 of these samples (2 rLN, 2 MCL, 3 FL, 2 DLBCL, and 2 MZL).
Study EGAS50000000342 Prognostic relevance of microenvironmental factors CD163 and CD8 combined with EZH2 and chromosome 18gain in a validation cohort of follicular lymphoma patients of the Lunenburg Lymphoma Biomarker Consortium Background: In follicular lymphoma (FL), studies addressing the prognostic value of microenvironment-related immunohistochemical (IHC) markers and tumor cell-related genetic markers have yielded conflicting results, precluding implementation in practice. Therefore, the Lunenburg Lymphoma Biomarker Consortium (LLBC) performed a validation study for published markers. Methods: To maximize sensitivity, an end-of-spectrum design was applied for 122 uniformly immunochemotherapy-treated FL patients retrieved from international trials and registries; early failure (EF): progression or lymphoma-related death <2 years versus long remission: response duration of >5 years. IHC staining for T-cells and macrophages was performed on tissue microarrays from initial biopsy and scored with a validated computer-assisted protocol. Shallow whole-genome and deep targeted sequencing was performed on the same samples. Results: 96/122 cases with complete molecular and immunohistochemical data were included in the analysis. EZH2 wild-type (p=0.006), gain of chromosome 18 (p=0.002), low percentages of CD8+ cells (p=0.011) and CD163+ areas (p=0.038) were associated with EF. No significant differences in other markers were observed, thereby refuting previous claims on their prognostic significance. Conclusion: Using an optimized study design, this LLBC study validates wild-type EZH2 status, gain of chromosome 18, low percentages of CD8+ cells and CD163+ area as predictors of EF to immunochemotherapy in FL.
Study EGAS00001002049 Hi-C analysis of metastatic prostate tumors - Part 2 DNA strands have a complex and highly structured three-dimensional shape within the nucleus that has profound but poorly characterized impacts on transcriptional activity. Herein, we performed the first integrated deep Hi-C sequencing on 80 metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer biopsy samples from the West Coast Dream Team consortium.
Study EGAS00001006612 Hi-C analysis of metastatic prostate tumors DNA strands have a complex and highly structured three-dimensional shape within the nucleus that has profound but poorly characterized impacts on transcriptional activity. Herein, we performed the first integrated deep Hi-C sequencing on 80 metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer biopsy samples from the West Coast Dream Team consortium.
Study EGAS00001006604 Indonesian methylation data DNA methylation data were collected to study patterns of functional variation across the broad geography of Indonesia. The region has extremely diverse populations, with very different demographic histories and multiple genetic ancestries. This dataset reports Illumina Epic methylation chip data for individuals from three islands spanning this geographical region: Mentawai, Sumba and West Papua.
Study EGAS00001003653 Indonesian RNA-seq data Transcription data were collected to study patterns of functional variation across the broad geography of Indonesia. The region has extremely diverse populations, with very different demographic histories and multiple genetic ancestries. This dataset reports high-throughput RNA-sequencing data for individuals from three islands spanning this geographical region: Mentawai, Sumba and West Papua.
Study EGAS00001003671 Indonesian Genome Diversity Project 3 Term and condition for Indonesian Diversity Project v3.254 Low Coverage genome from Wallacean and West Papuan, Indonesia
Dac EGAC50000000312 Targeted sequencing data and shallow whole genome sequencing data of Follicular lymphoma. Contain data of 2 studies1: 82 nodal stage 1 FL cases and 139 stage III/IV cases 2: 44 watch and wait stage III/IV and 46 Immediate treatment stage III/IVtargeted sequencing data of 369 genes and 12 translocation regionswhole genome shallow sequencing data
Study EGAS00001005755 Genome-Wide Analysis of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (De Novo and Derived from the High Grade Transformation of Follicular Lymphoma) Version 1. Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) represents the most common form of B-cell non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (B-NHL), accounting for ~30% of the de novo diagnoses and also arising as a frequent clinical evolution of Follicular Lymphoma (FL). The molecular pathogenesis of DLBCL is associated with multiple genetic lesions that in part distinctly segregate with individual phenotypic subtypes, suggesting the involvement of distinct oncogenic pathways. However, the lesions identified so far likely represent only a fraction of those necessary for malignant transformation. In order to characterize the entire set of structural alterations present in the DLBCL genome, we have integrated next generation whole exome sequencing analysis of 6 DLBCL cases and genome-wide high-density SNP array analysis of 72 DLBCL cases. We report here that FL and DLBCL harbor frequent structural alterations inactivating CREBBP and, more rarely, EP300, two highly related histone and non-histone acetyltransferases (HATs) that act as transcriptional co-activators in multiple signaling pathways. Overall, ~37% of DLBCL and 36% of FL cases display genomic deletions and/or somatic point mutations that remove or inactivate the HAT coding domain of these two genes. These lesions commonly affect a single allele, suggesting that reduction in HAT dosage is important for lymphomagenesis. We demonstrate specific defects in the acetylation-mediated inactivation of the BCL6 oncoprotein and activation of the p53 tumor suppressor. These results identify CREBBP/EP300 mutations as a major pathogenic mechanism shared by common forms of B-NHL, and have direct implications for the use of drugs targeting acetylation/deacetylation mechanisms. Version 2. Follicular lymphoma (FL) is an indolent, but incurable disease that, in 30-40% of cases, undergoes transformation to an aggressive diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL). The history of clonal evolution and the mechanisms that underlie transformation to DLBCL (tFL) remain largely unknown. Using whole exome sequencing and copy number analysis of 39 tFL patients, including 12 with paired sequential FL/tFL biopsies, we show that, in most cases, FL and tFL arise by divergent evolution from a common mutated precursor cell through the acquisition of distinct genetic lesions. Mutations in epigenetic modifiers (e.g., MLL2, CREBBP, EZH2, ARID1A) and anti-apoptotic genes (BCL2, FAS) were observed in 93% (36/39) and 78% (30/39) of cases, respectively, and were invariably shared between the two disease phases, suggesting an early acquisition in the common mutated precursor. Conversely, the development of tFL is associated with deregulation of genes involved in the control of cell proliferation, cell cycle progression and DNA damage responses (CDKN2A/2B, MYC, TP53), as well as with an aberrant activity of the somatic hypermutation mechanism. Finally, we show that the genomic profile of tFL shares significant similarities with that of germinal center B-cell type de novo DLBCL, but also displays unique combinations of altered genes that may explain the dismal clinical course of tFL.Version 3. This version includes thirty-five additional de novo DLBCL samples, newly diagnosed, and their paired normal DNA from previously untreated patients, which were analyzed by whole exome sequencing (n=27T and 25N), whole genome sequencing (8T and 10N), and/or targeted HLA-next generation sequencing (n=26T/N pairs) in order to identify genetic alterations associated with loss of surface MHC-II expression.
Study phs000328 Recurrent mTORC1-activating RRAGC mutations in follicular lymphoma Follicular lymphoma (FL) is an incurable B-cell malignancy characterized by the t(14;18) and mutations in one or more components of the epigenome. Whilst frequent gene mutations in signaling pathways, including JAK-STAT, NOTCH and NF-κB, have also been defined, the spectrum of these mutations typically overlap with the closely-related diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL). A combination of discovery exome and extended targeted sequencing revealed recurrent somatic mutations in RRAGC uniquely enriched in FL patients (17%). More than half of the mutations preferentially co-occurred with ATP6V1B2 and ATP6AP1 mutations, components of the vacuolar H+-adenosine triphosphate ATPase (v-ATPase) known to be necessary for amino acid-dependent mTORC1 activation. RagC mutants increased raptor binding whilst rendering mTORC1 signaling resistant to amino acid deprivation through nucleotide-independent mechanisms. Collectively, the activating nature of the RRAGC mutations, their existence within the dominant clone and stability during disease progression supports their potential as an excellent candidate to be therapeutically exploited.
Study EGAS00001001190 Neutralizing Antibodies against West Nile Virus Identified Directly from Human B Cells by Single-Cell Analysis and Next Generation Sequencing West Nile virus (WNV) infection is a mosquito-borne disease that can cause severe neurological illness. We analyzed the humoral response to WNV of subjects infected with WNV at different stages of the infection and at different levels of detail, from single cells to the repertoire level. We integrated single-cell analysis by microengraving with next-generation sequencing and identified four novel WNV neutralizing antibodies with potential use as therapeutics against WNV infection. The results indicate persistence of WNV-specific memory B cells and antibody-secreting cells in post-convalescent subjects and suggest that the antibody response itself does not predict the clinical severity of the disease.
Study phs001200 Genome-wide SNP genotyping of Central African rainforest hunter-gatherers and neighbouring agriculturalists The emergence of agriculture in West-Central Africa, ~5,000 years ago, profoundly modified the cultural landscape and mode of subsistence of most sub-Saharan populations. How this major innovation has impacted the genetic history of rainforest hunter-gatherers — historically referred to as “pygmies” — and agriculturalists, however, remains poorly understood. Here, we report genome-wide SNP data from eight of these populations located west-to-east of the equatorial rainforest. We find that hunter-gathering populations present up to 50% of farmer genomic ancestry, and that substantial admixture began only within the last 1,000 years. Furthermore, we show that the historical population sizes characterising these communities already differed before the introduction of agriculture. Our results suggest that the first socio-economic interactions between rainforest hunter-gatherers and farmers introduced by the spread of farming were not accompanied by immediate, extensive genetic exchanges and occurred on a backdrop of two groups already differentiated by their specialisation in two ecotopes with differing carrying capacities.
Study EGAS00001000605 Single-cell RNA-Seq of human lymphoma reveals malignant B cell diversity and patterns of T cell immune checkpoint co-expression Follicular lymphoma (FL) is a generally incurable B-cell malignancy which has the potential to transform into highly aggressive lymphomas. Genomic studies indicate it is often a small subpopulation rather than the dominant population in the FL that gives rise to the more aggressive subtype. To resolve the underlying transcriptional networks of follicular B-cell lymphomas at single molecule and cell resolution, we leveraged droplet-based barcoding technology for highly parallel single cell RNA-Seq. We analyzed the transcriptomes from tens of thousands of cells derived from five primary FL tumors. Simultaneously, we conducted multi-dimensional flow cell sorting to validate our characterizing of cellular lineages and critical expressed proteins. For each tumor, we identified multiple cellular subpopulations, matching known hematopoietic lineages. Comparison of gene expression by matched malignant and normal B cells from the same patient revealed tumor-specific features. Malignant B cells exhibited restricted immunoglobulin light chain expression (either Ig Kappa or Ig Lambda), as well the expected upregulation of the BCL2 gene, but also down-regulation of the FCER2, CD52 and MHC class II genes. By leveraging the single-cell resolution on large numbers of cells per patient, we were able to examine tumor-resident T cells. We identified pairs of immune checkpoint molecules that were co-expressed, providing a potentially useful strategy for selection of patient-tailored combination immunotherapies. In summary, massively parallel measurement of single-cell expression in thousands of tumor cells and tumor-resident lymphocytes can be used to obtain a systems-level view of the tumor microenvironment and identify new avenues for therapeutic development.
Study phs001378 Non-Coding Mutations Cause Enhancer Targeting Resulting in Protein Synthesis Dysregulation During B-Cell Lymphoma Progression In this study, we performed whole-genome sequencing of longitudinal tumor pairs, representing transformation of follicular lymphoma (FL) to high grade B-cell lymphoma with MYC and BCL2 rearrangements (known as "double hit lymphoma" or DHL), a very aggressive class of non-Hodgkin B cell lymphoma (B-NHL). We identified coding and noncoding genomic alterations acquired during the course of lymphoma progression.
Study phs003398 DAC for a single-cell multi-omic atlas of nodal B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas Nodal B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (B-NHL) are a clinically diverse set of cancers thought to originate from distinct stages of B-cell maturation. To characterize intratumor heterogeneity across B-NHL entities, we performed CITE-Seq (cellular indexing of transcriptomes and epitopes) on 51 lymph node samples including mantle cell lymphoma (MCL, n = 8), follicular lymphoma (FL, n = 12), germinal center (GCB, n = 5) or activated B-cell (non-GCB/ABC, n = 7) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and marginal zone lymphoma (MZL, n = 11) tumors, in addition to non-malignant reactive lymph nodes (rLN, n = 8). We also performed 5 prime scRNA-seq with immune receptor profiling for 11 of these samples (2 rLN, 2 MCL, 3 FL, 2 DLBCL, and 2 MZL).
Dac EGAC50000000226 Whole exome sequencing dataset in follicular lymphoma without evidence of transformation Whole exome sequencing data of 5 patients diagnosed with FL that had undergone several relapse episodes without evidence of transformation
Dataset EGAD00001001301